Thursday, April 26, 2012

《春娇与志明 》Love in The Buff

This movie is meaningful as it reflects the actual love world(感情世界) in this world. How is your love world ?  或许自己看透了,而所有感悟。男人不坏女人不爱 ?总觉得,有点坏坏的男人总可以让女孩死在他们的手里。就如余文乐在这戏里,两个女人同时爱上他。经历了不同的感情阶段,最后他还是选择原来的她。这是个不错的电影,有情人终成眷属。



When you kissed me on that street, I kissed you back

You held me in your arms, I held you in mine
You picked me up to lay me down
When I look into your eyes
I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I
Im drenched in your love
Im no longer able to hold it back

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